ICA Live! Livien Yin & Victor Yañez-Lazcano: No, not always. No, not never.
Friday, December 7, 2018: 7-10PM
Join us for December’s ICA Live! which will include a series of live art performances by Livien Yin and Victor Yañez-Lazcano.
Livien Yin and Victor Yañez-Lazcano are interdisciplinary artists who perform together. On Friday, December 7th, the duo will perform a series of timed performance pieces in the ICA galleries. Their work consists of a variety of interpersonal physical exchanges that question and explore learned social behaviors. You will get the opportunity to witness their piece press/tread, which aims to challenge our understanding of performed social behaviors that we take on in professional, public, and private settings through the repeated action of dressing and undressing. Additionally, the artists will perform No, not always. No, not never., a piece which interrogates the artists’ respective assimilation narratives and the sway these narratives have had on intimacy.
Performance Schedule:
7-7:30 press/tread
7:30-7:45 Em Dash
7:45-8:15 press/tread
8:15-8:30 No, not always. No, not never.
8:30-9 press/tread
9-9:15 Em Dash
9:15-9:45 press/tread
9:45-10 No, not always. No, not never.